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  • 10 octobre 2023 à 18:40 Mjouitteau discussion contributions a créé la page Dressler (1988a) (Page créée avec « * Dressler, Wolfgang U. 1988a. 'Phrasal Morphophonemics in Breton-Speaking Wernicke's Aphasia', ''Linguistic Analysis of Aphasic Language'', New York: Springer. 62-68. '''Beginning of introduction:''' "Morphophonemics (or morpho[pho]nology) is an area that depends both on morphology (cf. chapter 4) and phonology (cf. chapters 1-3). For example, the phonemic alternations [ai] ~ [i] in divine ~ divin-ity or [k] ~ [s] in electric ~ electric-ity depend on morpholog... »)