Foret & al. (2022)

De Arbres
  • Foret, Annie, Denis Béchet, Valérie Bellynck. 2022. 'Iterated Dependencies in a Breton treebank and implications for a Categorial Dependency Grammar', Proceedings of the CLTW 4 à LREC 2022, 40–46.

 "Categorial Dependency Grammars (CDG) are computational grammars for natural language processing, defining dependency structures. They can be viewed as a formal system, where types are attached to words, combining the classical categorial grammars' elimination rules with valency pairing rules able to define discontinuous (non-projective) dependencies. Algorithms have been proposed to infer grammars in this class from treebanks, with respect to Mel'čuk principles. We consider this approach with experiments on Breton. We focus in particular on “repeatable dependencies” (iterated) and their patterns. A dependency d is iterated in a dependency structure if some word in this structure governs several other words through dependency d. We illustrate this approach with data in the universal dependencies format and dependency patterns written in Grew (a graph rewriting tool dedicated to applications in natural Language Processing)."

essai de systématisation des reconnaissances dépendances syntaxiques à partir du Breton KEB.
La question est posée de comment utiliser la banque de données de la wikigrammaire ARBRES (présent site).