Dressler (1988a)

De Arbres
  • Dressler, Wolfgang U. 1988a. 'Phrasal Morphophonemics in Breton-Speaking Wernicke's Aphasia', Linguistic Analysis of Aphasic Language, New York: Springer. 62-68.

 Beginning of introduction:
 "Morphophonemics (or morpho[pho]nology) is an area that depends both on morphology (cf. chapter 4) and phonology (cf. chapters 1-3). For example, the phonemic alternations [ai] ~ [i] in divine ~ divin-ity or [k] ~ [s] in electric ~ electric-ity depend on morphological conditions such as the addition of a restricted set of suffixes (-ity in this case). These alternations seem to have some affinity to phonology as well, such as palatalization k → s before a palatal vowel in electric-ity. However, the delimitation and proper definition of morphophonemics is highly controversial (cf. Dressler, 1985). Some authors consider morphophonemics a proper component of grammar between morphology and phonology, whereas others assign it to either phonology or morphology. In my opinion (Dressler, 1985), morphophonemics (or at least the part of it defined as morphonology) is the area of interaction (or intersection and compromise) of morphology and phonology, and thus is not a component of grammar on an equal footing with morphology and phonology.
 The first objective of this study is thus twofold:
 1. To investigate whether aphasic disturbances shed some light on this basic question of the delimitation of morphophonemics.
 2. To determine which competing linguistic framework(s) can best describe aphasic disturbances. (For this purpose the subpart "phrasal morphophonemics" is chosen.)
 The second objective is to present aphasic data from a particular area of Celtic grammar, specifically Breton, which is still spoken in the westernmost part of France. Presumably this is the first and last linguistic study on aphasic disturbances of living mother-tongue Breton dialects. For only Bretons in the oldest generation learned their Celtic dialect before French and have used it throughout their life much more than French, and in fact even speak French with a marked Breton accent."