Jouitteau (2007)

De Arbres
(Redirigé depuis Jouitteau (2008))
  • Jouitteau, Mélanie. 2007. 'The Brythonic Reconciliation: From V1 to generalized V2', Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Johan Rooryck (éds.), The Linguistics Variation Yearbook 7, Netherland, 163-200. pdf sur lingBuzz/000681 texte.

 The aim of this article is threefold: I wish to 
 (i) propose the new generalization that Brythonic word orders obey a ban on verb-first, 
 (ii) properly define the parameters responsible for intra-Brythonic variation and 
 (iii), show how the Breton data can be exploited for the inquiry about the EPP Principle and its technical implementations.